Individuals & Families

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Crafting Your Financial Journey

Explore our comprehensive services, where financial stewardship and lasting relationships guide your financial journey with purpose.

Solutions That Are Exclusively Yours

At Three Corners Capital, we believe each person is unique and their planning and portfolios should reflect that uniqueness. We pride ourselves on our ability to communicate creative design ideas that align with your unique financial goals. Our solutions are not just practical, they are exclusively yours.

  • EInvestment Planning
  • EEstate & Charitable Planning
  • ERetirement Planning
  • ERisk Management
  • EFamily Assistance
  • ECash Flow Planning
  • ETax Reduction Planning
  • EBusiness Owner Planning

Are Your Goals On Track?

Charitable Planning and Generous Living

Imagine your son/daughter’s family is growing and a unique opportunity arises to buy a home in a desirable neighborhood and school district. The problem is, as a young family, their financial resources limit their ability to make this move.

This situation has occurred for many of our clients. We started asking “why not give now when the impact would be most meaningful in lieu of later in life (as an inheritance) when their son/daughter’s financial situation is likely different/improved and the money less material to their success and wellbeing”.

Consider your favorite charity or place of worship. You have plans to leave them in your estate planning; however, a time arises when they seek to make significant progress in their mission and need financial support. Why not consider making a major gift now in lieu of that estate gift later?

You’re about to embark on the sale of a significantly appreciated asset. You’ve always been someone who gives to charity. Would you welcome a conversation around how structuring the sale to include charities could help minimize capital gains taxes, provide an income tax deduction, and ensure you/ your family have income for a period of time that aligns with your goals?

 What if we asked questions like “how much should I live on” instead of “how much should I give”?

These are the types of experiences and values-based decisions we walk with clients through. We would welcome the opportunity to share more.

Learn more about what we do…

Learn More About Impactful Giving

Call Us: 513-898-3850

8044 Montgomery Road Suite 265 Cincinnati, OH 45236

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Three Corners Capital